So, though technically it's the 4th week of the Rochester Fit Club, it's only my 3rd time going. Tonight's agenda was Plyo X from P90X, a program I've never done before. Obviously I've heard of it, and have done a bit of the abs disk with someone, but this... wow, it was tough. It was a good thing it was very modifiable, so that I could take the time to calm my heart rate down, but while still being able to go through the motions and get a good sweat on.
Obviously though, everyone needs to pay attention to their bodies (because no one knows your body better than yourself). If I needed to stop, I would. Because even though as much as you want to see results, and see them as soon as possible, it is a process, not a magic pill that will transform you over night.
I think I probably wouldn't have felt so exhausted trying to do this disk tonight if I hadn't cheated on my diet all weekend and then went back into a less calorie packed diet, since my body was expecting more than what I was giving it. Though, having a new week, at least I'll have the chance to get my body back on track with things :)
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