Monday, November 15, 2010


So, since becoming a Beachbody coach, I thought it would be best to try some of the products so I could make my own story more impactful when talking to others about my experience with it. I decided to get myself Shakeology as a nutritional to go along with my program, which I chose to be INSANITY.

I had orignally been turned onto INSANITY by someone that was a member at the Xerox gym, where I worked, and I thought it looked pretty interesting, because it wasn't really something that my body was used to, so it would be a good workout because I could tell it would definitely be challenging. For those of you who may not know me, I grew up starting with doing ballet at the age of 4 and continued until I was about 22, picking up different dance styles along the way. While I was at college I decided to get into physical education, in which I learned so much, and it's because of my largely active life I grew up with that I got into physical education and now being a coach for Beachbody, because I want to encourage health and fitness to others, because I believe it's really important to living a full/long and happy life.

Anyway, when I first got my program, I started off strong at the beginning of October, but towards the middle, I kind of faltered becuase of multiple reasons. But starting November 1, 2010, my wonderful boyfriend decided that he was going to help me see this thing through and actually get the full experience. So for the past 2 weeks (now going on our 3rd) we've been waking up around 4:45 to get ourselves to the gym and then go to work after. And yes, I do this program at my gym... I bring my laptop with me.

The way INSANITY is programed, is it is a 60 day program in which you do not need any other equipment other than your body, a good pair of sneakers and the CD. It's very cardio-centric and sports drill based, so not really for someone that is just decided they were going to start getting in shape (not that it's impossible, it just means modification and lots of rests will be needed). Day 1 you'll perform a fit test, a 25min butt busting combination of 8 exercises that will frequently be seen thoughout the disks of the program. And once you've done it, you perform it every 2 weeks to track your progress. This being my 3rd week into the program, it was time for my 2nd fit test. And going into it, even though I wasn't trying to be a downer on myself, I didn't really feel like I was going to see any major difference in my numbers from the first week, because I'm not really used to training cardiovascularly, I take a lot of breaks. But I do push myself through the workouts. I will leave the gym dripping sweat after I'm done. And I have to say, I was actually pleasantly surprised on most of the exercises. For the majority of them, I almost doubled the amount from the first week, which really makes me feel kinda good about myself, and makes me want to keep pushing myself and keeping with the program, because my body is actually changing. And I can actually visually see it as well.

I have not really changed too much of my diet, which is probably why I am not seeing greater reductions in body fat percentage, but I'm trying to make healthier choices. And I substitute my breakfast with my Shakeology, which I'll start drinking about 8:30 and I'll stay pretty satiated until about 12, which really is quite great. It'll perk me up once I get to work, because I'm still kind of grogy from working out and just wanting to go back to bed in general. I've also been taking it for the past 2 months, and it's definitely helped me with keeping myself more regular. I definitely feel an overall difference in the way my mind and sometimes my body feels after the weekend, since I choose to eat cereal/oatmeal or eggs then.

Anyway, I just figured I would give a little update incase any one was curious :) Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!